We are very fortunate and extremely happy to receive blessings and real love of Shri Krishna and His Divine Grace Bhakti Swarup Tirtha Maharaj in the form of his new book titled "In Quest of Real Love", said Mr NS Bhargava while releasing the new book on the New Year Eve 2014 at New Vrindavana, Parsik Hill, Navi Mumbai, India. Mr. Bhargava remembered his wish to have a Krishna temple at Parsik Hill and later saw his wish coming true by none other than HDG Bhakti Swarup Tirtha Maharaj whom he had met and heard his lectures many years ago. The whole area is enlivened by the divine presence of a true devotee of Shri Krishna, HDG Bhakti Swarup Tirtha Maharaj and his followers. On this occasion Mr. Amarjit Singh, Mr. Jayant Thakur and many other dignified personalities participated in the book release ceremony.

Starting with Animal Love, this book presents this basic and natural urge for all living beings purely for reproduction. Moving to Human Love, covers a whole range of emotions and mental tuning, educational and social backgrounds if these lead to permanent bonding. Culminating with Divine Love for the eternal, beyond worldly possessions, positions of power or prestige, the quest ends with real love. This happens by surrendering totally to the Supreme Lord Krishna.
The Author who guides you to real love brings an uncommon, unmatched experience and understanding of this harsh world of business and the peaceful world of spirituality. He travels the world on his spiritual mission: interacting with young people in major universities, meeting global leaders, giving media interviews and promoting the GVA way of life.
His earlier books - “Actually There's No Problem” and “You Ask He Answers” have become bestsellers. You may contact us using the contact details provided on the Contact page of this website for further enquiry. Bhagavat Vani Publications |